"Watch movies streamed from Netflix on your Wii™ console!
Soon you will be able to watch TV episodes and movies via your Wii console*. For no additional monthly fee, Netflix unlimited members will be able to watch thousands of TV episodes and movies."
Today, while browsing around the net at a truck stop, I came across this link on the Nintendo site: http://www.nintendo.com/wii/netflix
This is great news for the people out there who either don't want to pay for an XBOX Live Gold account, or who have the Wii but no XBOX.
According to this link at Netflix, it should be available Spring 2010.
However, after following the links to Netflix site, it looks as though it will be a disc-based system like the Playstation 3 console, rather than a downloadable channel. The discs are free.
I'm waiting for my PS3 disc, so I'll review it when it arrives. I'll also be requesting a copy of the Wii disc when available. So, stay tuned for more information.