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Come to the Midwest Gaming Classic 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Gaming News: Netflix Streaming on the Wii! Available Spring 2010?

"Watch movies streamed from Netflix on your Wii™ console!

Soon you will be able to watch TV episodes and movies via your Wii console*. For no additional monthly fee, Netflix unlimited members will be able to watch thousands of TV episodes and movies."

Today, while browsing around the net at a truck stop, I came across this link on the Nintendo site:

This is great news for the people out there who either don't want to pay for an XBOX Live Gold account, or who have the Wii but no XBOX.

According to this link at Netflix, it should be available Spring 2010.

However, after following the links to Netflix site, it looks as though it will be a disc-based system like the Playstation 3 console, rather than a downloadable channel. The discs are free.

I'm waiting for my PS3 disc, so I'll review it when it arrives. I'll also be requesting a copy of the Wii disc when available. So, stay tuned for more information.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Today's Plays

Welcome everyone! We're going to start a new semi-daily section, called Today's Plays, where I drop a line and let you know what I've been gaming it up with. This new series won't really be a review of the games, just a quick note to let everyone know what I'm working through.

Today is January 28th, 2010. I'm sitting in Fowlerville, MI at Fowlerville Farms, a small truck stop with one of the best restaurants I've ever been to. I'm currently waiting for a load offer, so what better time is there to game it up a bit?

I'm currently stuck in retro mode, mostly playing old NES titles. Today I got the urge to break out an old nemesis, A Boy and his Blob. The charm is there, but so is the insane difficulty.

I've also been working my way through MegaMan II on my iPhone. This is an alright port since they updated it, but still not on par with the original NES. This is mostly due to controls.

Today is a Thursday, so I should be home sometime tomorrow. I just picked up a PS3 last weekend, and ordered Prototype from Gamefly, so look for a full review of that sometime this weekend.

Keep the rubber on the pavement!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1st post, the OTRGamer Era BEGINS!!

Welcome followers! This is just a quick post to introduce you to my new endeavor, the OTRGamer blog and podcast. The focus of this blog is going to be on my addiction to video games, and all things they represent. I'll be posting game reviews, previews, and news as well as information on any conferences and trade shows that I attend.

Also, look forward to a podcast series to accompany this blog, as well as random videos. I'm still working out the kinks with the hardware for the video and audio, but I hope to have it running by this summer.

So, once again, WELCOME!