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Come to the Midwest Gaming Classic 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Daily plays

Well, since Pokemon: Soul Silver came out, it's been glued into my DS. I didn't know I could actually enjoy a Pokemon game, but it really is fun.

This weekend is the Midwest Gaming Classic, so look for coverage from the event right here.

Friday, March 5, 2010

OTRGamer's Daily Plays, the really delayed edition...

I did it again. I've been forgetting to post my daily plays. Yes, I AM a noob...

So, for the fans out there, I've now added the blog to an iPhone app, so I really have no excuses to update. If I don't, you have my permission to wave an angry fist at me.

Anyhow, this week I've been working my way through New Super Mario Bros DS. I'm absolutely hooked on this game! I even want to play it sitting at home.

I'm also playing Mariokart DS off and on.

So there you have it. Keep the rubber side down!